Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Silly Charlotte!

Charlotte does this thing where she pretends she's whispering to you but really she just moves her mouth and makes lots of facial expressions. I LOVE when she does this to me because I get to see her adorable face up close and I get to play along with her.
She has called her bathing suit a "baby soup" for the last year or so. It's pretty much the cutest thing of I've ever heard so I made sure to record it since I think she's starting to say it right now. Darn it! Why can't she stay 3 forever and refer to her bathing suit as her baby soup until the end of time? I'd be completely okay with that.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Personally I think the fashion industry should change the name to baby soup because it's way more adorable.
