Sunday, November 10, 2013

Trick or Treat!

When Morgan was two, I took her trick or treating all by myself. We had a great time but truthfully, I was lonely. I watched as big groups of family and friends walked by all trick or treating together. I felt bad that Morgan didn't have any other kids to share the experience with. 
Part of what I'm loving about our new house is the fact that most of our neighbors have families the same age as us. When I got home Halloween night, Daniel told me that the neighbor had come over and asked if we'd like to trick or treat with their family. They have a 5 year old, 2 year old and 1 year old. The girls had a blast trick or treating with friends!

 This was Charlotte's first year really trick or treating since she couldn't walk last year. She was darling! I held her hand most of the time and guided her to and from doors. I tried to ingrain the image of her waddling alongside of me with her little hand griping one of my fingers. 

 Morgan excitedly ran along with her friends. She kept seeing school mates and they'd all say hi to each other.
Once back at the house, it was time to pass out candy and indulge. This easily was my favorite year so far!


  1. I love the pictures of the girls with the front door in the festive!
    Morgan is the cutest cat I've ever seen and the picture of Charlotte looking down with her hands underneath her chin is beyond adorable.

  2. Cutest costumes ever!! Adorable. Morgan is so dramatic. LOL (Save the strawberry costume for a certain cousin, please. :) )
