Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Birthday To Remember!

Morgan's 5th birthday was magical! 
The night before Morgan’s big day, I hung streamers from her door and decorated the kitchen so it would be a surprise first thing in the morning. 
I woke up worrying about a speeding ticket I had received a couple of months earlier (long story) so I was rifling through some paperwork in the office around 5:45 am when I heard her door open. I could tell she had paused before exiting her room and I figured it was because she was trying to sleepily process the fact that there were streamers in her doorway. I peeked into the hallway and said, “Happy Birthday!” She walked through the streamers and clasped her hands to her face and smiled this huge smile. She followed me into the office where I told her to stay for a moment (so I could set out a donut and grab my camera). I told her she could come into the kitchen. 
This was her face as she saw the decorations, presents and birthday donut. J

While the rest of the family slept, she ate her donut and unwrapped her first gift which was a jewelry box from Grandma. She loved it and we both talked about it and examined it for a little while before it was time for me to jump in the shower.
While I was finishing getting ready I could hear her in the bath singing, “It’s my birthday! Woo! Woo! It’s my birthday! Woo! Woo!” It made me chuckle.
After we were ready to go, Daniel and Charlotte woke up and joined us in the kitchen so we could watch her open the rest of her gifts. Daniel even skyped Grandma so she could watch Morgan open the rest of the gifts she and other long distance family members had gotten her.
I love
her expressions
in these
First stop was to take Morgan for her very first pedicure. We were thrilled that Dusty was able to meet us for this experience. Dusty has been asking me for years to hurry up and take Morgan to get her nails done so she could start taking Morgan herself. She knew I’d want to take her for her first one.
We got there a little before Dusty, so while we waited Morgan picked out her toe nail color.

 I loved the fact that Dusty chose the same color I did. Out of ALL the colors she liked the one I picked. We’re such sisters. :)
Dusty of course brought Morgan a special Starbucks chocolate milk to sip on during her pedicure.

It was fun getting to witness her first experience with all of it. 
She’d laugh because it tickled her. 
I loved looking down and seeing her little cute feet getting pampered. 
She just smiled and excitedly talked the whole time. Even the lady doing her nails commented on how much she talked. It made me laugh! She really does take after me!
After we were finally all dried and ready, we headed over to Target so that Morgan could pick out a gift from Dusty.
After she changed her mind a few times, she fell in love with this kitty. I've never seen her love a gift more!
Next we headed to lunch. We thought this statue of a little girl blowing out birthday candles was so fitting for the occasion. Just her size.
The original spot I had planned on going was closed so we went next door to this place.
Dusty and Morgan colored while we waited on our food. Lunch was fun and good.
 Morgan of course finished it off with a birthday cupcake!

Next stop was The Disney Store at the mall with a quick drive through the car wash. Look at her face! Even this was magical somehow. It was just one of those beautiful days I will never forget.
 My poor children don’t get out much so going to the mall was an event and Morgan had never been to the Disney Store before. We used leftover birthday money from Nana and Papa to pick out a toy for her. 
 Finally after all of that, we went home to get ready for a family dinner at Chuck E Cheese!
 Morgan has been talking about Chuck E Cheese for months! Lucky for her, he brought out a birthday cake just for her!

 I have very early memories of enjoying Chuck E Cheese. Hopefully she will too. 

Daniel and I got in on the games too. It was a great family birthday dinner!
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't feel honored to be her mama. I can't wait to be a part of her life and continue to see her grow. Happy Birthday Baby!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Happy birthday Morgan! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your big day.

  3. Happy Birthday Morgan!! A whole hand!! Wow. Wait until you see your 5-year-old cousin… you guys are going to have a blast!
    I love the pedicure idea! I haven't done that with either of my girls. Maybe we can have a huge pedi-party when we come out!
