Saturday, October 15, 2011

Vacation Day

On Columbus Day, I had to take my last vacation day because Daniel and I were scheduled to work but Morgan's daycare provider had the day off. I say "had" loosely because no one twisted my arm to take the day off. It would have been a great day to get stuff done around the house but I decided to instead do things with Morgan that we normally don't get to do during weekdays. We started the day off by making muffins together.

Then we headed to the park. We stayed there for nearly 2 hours.

Morgan fed some geese and ducks. She was enjoying herself until a goose grabbed the bread out of her hand and grabbed some fingers too.

After the park and before heading to the grocery store, I took Morgan to get a Jamba Juice. I realized after seeing how enjoyable this experience was for her, that I need to take her do things like this more often. She kept talking about how her cup was white with an orange straw just like everybody else who ordered smoothies there. She was so excited!

We ended our day with a craft project consisting of painting mini white pumpkins.

Mine is the one in the back :)

On a sidenote, I captured this cute moment below the other night. Daniel showed Morgan pictures of her from when she was a baby. I've read this is a good thing to do to prepare an older sibling for a new baby's arrival.


  1. Sooo sweet. But what's up with the neat house and the neat car? I need to see messy in the background of your photos so I feel better about mine. lol

    Seriously, I'm glad you had a good mommy/daughter day before the baby arrives.

  2. What a great day! These are the times both of you will remember.
