Monday, January 5, 2015

Christmas Shopping With My Girls!

I took the girls Christmas shopping with me a week or so before Christmas. We actually had a good time! It was a challenge but it was fun being out and about with them during the holidays. Morgan kept saying, "It really is starting to look a lot like Christmas!"

 I stopped by Starbucks for liquid courage and treated the girls to Christmas cookies. I was introduced to these delicious festive cookies by my own parents who bought a cookie for their daughter. :)
 Ugh, just look at those little hands cupped around the giant cookie! I can't get enough of her pretty eyelashes, sweet nose and plump lips looking down at her treat.

 We made lots of stops that day. Below is the girls hanging out at the bank. Why do bank lines always move so slow? 
 I had forgotten how many cool toys are at the book store. I want to go back and get these puppets. The girls were having so much fun with them.
 Morgan loved these Christmas carolers! Morgan loves to sing and has a pretty good voice. Daniel and I want to sign her up for choir.

 Dancing and hugs as mom waits in line...
I look forward to shopping with my girls for many, many more years. I can just see us out having girl days when they're teenagers.

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