I love when she dresses up on her own. The shoes really make the outfit.
I forget what we did this day but it must have been something exciting because it takes a lot for Morgan to pass out anywhere other than her bed. I love that she still wants to cuddle with her daddy even though she's getting older.
Out of all the places to sit in our living room, more often than not, they choose to sit right next to one another. It does me so good to see this sisterly bond!

Ever since Charlotte was born Morgan has interpreted what she says to us. Even when Charlotte used to just babble, Morgan would "interpret" her babble and tell us what Charlotte was saying. We all thought it was cute but it turns out she really can “speak baby” as she calls it! I’m pretty good at understanding what Charlotte is saying but I find myself asking Morgan what Charlotte is trying to tell me and Morgan always gets it right! Charlotte will be repeating something to me and starting to lose her patience when I’ll look at Morgan and ask what she’s saying and Morgan will tell me and then Charlotte is happy because Morgan was right! It’s so sweet! It’s like they share some sisterly bond or connection that only they are privy too. Pretty cool stuff!
Morgan is a really good big sister who loves Charlotte dearly and constantly wants to play with her. I’m glad we were able to give her a sister.
Morgan had another dentist appointment. She of course took it like a champ. She does really well at the dentist. It's time we take Charlotte in too so I brought her along as an introduction for her. It was soooooo sweet because Charlotte walked over to Morgan and starting stroking her arm and telling her it was okay in this sweet little loving voice. She was concerned for Morgan and of course I'm tearing up just thinking back to the moment. I know my sister is there for me no matter what and it looks like my girls will have the same comfort in life.
Pictures from daycare.
We're really enjoying our "new" city. We ventured out for a dinner a couple weekends ago and enjoyed our pretty city filled with nice people. It was nice to get out for a meal together. We really don't do that often.
I made a quick pit stop at Starbucks before our grocery shopping trip the other day and the barista said my kids were cute and gave them a cake pop each. Well thank you barista! It made all of our morning.
I love how they choose to sit on the coffee table instead of the couch. So cute!