Sunday, May 4, 2014

Not So Recently Enjoyed Things!

I just found some older pictures on my phone. I guess it's been longer than normal since I uploaded pictures from my phone to the computer.
The below is a pic Charlotte's daycare provider took of her while she was at daycare. Kaycee takes pictures of her every day she's there and posts them on facebook. I look forward to them every day.
 And this is a picture of the sky outside of Kaycee's house. The sky is often gorgeous at her house when I'm picking up my littlest girl.
 Did I ever post pictures of Muffins With Mom? I don't think I did. Anyway, Morgan had a Muffins With Mom event at her school one morning. I was honored to go. I actually really enjoy doing stuff like this. Any chance to spend time with my kiddos and make memories is right up my alley!

 Dusty took this below picture of Charlotte during our Valentine Dinner together this year.
 Morgan found a 4 leaf clover one day! I've looked my whole life and never found one. She actually ended up finding at least one more and then shortly after Daniel found a 5 leaf clover! We looked it up and the 5 leaf clovers are extremely rare. This was a fun weekend day home for all of us. 

 My girls grubbing at McDonald's. We were out running errands one day and stopped for lunch.
 Shopping with mom. :)
 The below picture shows the tree in our front yard in full bloom this year. Due to the oddly extra warm winter and the drought, it wasn't very full of blooms this year. Luckily I snapped a picture right before a wind storm blew them off. Hopefully next year it will get to bloom fully like it did the year before. Is it dorky that I enjoy and look forward to stuff like this? I don't think so. I think it's important to enjoy the little things in life.
 My sis got me gorgeous flowers for my birthday! I loved how they looked in my blue water container.
 Daniel and the girls baked me a cake for my birthday and then lit candles for me to blow out. I felt so loved.
 For some reason I really enjoy taking Morgan to get her hair trimmed. I just like getting to be out and about with them even if it's just for a haircut. I wonder when I'm going to take Charlotte for her first haircut.

 Look how pretty the braid the hair dresser put in was! I need to practice to see if I could pull something like this off. 
 Since moving to Clovis, I enjoy my drive to and from work a lot more. I drive some country roads to get to the freeway. Seeing the mountains in the distance (hard to see but they're in the picture below), the green pastures with white fences and horses, and dew glistening off the grass in the morning just makes me happy to be alive. If I left the house a little frustrated or stressed, these scenes help put things back into perspective for me.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the colorful sky at Kaycee's house is gorgeous!
