Saturday, June 8, 2013

This & That!

 Every morning I sit at a mirror in our bathroom to apply my makeup. I love catching Charlotte imitating me. 
 Daniel and his dog...
 Daniel and I during our date day. 

 We recently had our sprinkler system fixed because it didn't have enough pressure. But before they were fixed we tried unsuccessfully to keep our yard green. Charlotte enjoyed our attempts though. 
 I never thought twice about our hair accessories drawer until a friend commented on it. I guess this is a lot of bows. 
 Speaking of which, I had to take this picture one night because Morgan put on a headband and necklace to go to sleep. 
 This is my second time seeing this car around town. Love this! I used to want to own a Great Dane. That was before kids though...
 Hilarious, right? 

 Daniel and the girls put together the tea table and chairs Nana and Papa got us. 
 They adore it! 
 Charlotte is getting too big too fast!

 Last weekend, during one of Daniel's day off, he suggested we get out our pools so we did. We sat out in our backyard and cooled off for awhile. I bought this pool special for the girls knowing they'd love the water that shoots out from the whales water spout. It was only around $10! 
 Summertime! It's already been well over 100 degrees here. Thank God for air conditioning and solar panels!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't everyone go to sleep with a headband and a necklace? I do!
