Saturday, February 23, 2013

Random Goodness

I took Morgan to get her hair cut the other day. The ladies who worked there were amused because she chose Spiderman as the movie she wanted to watch. That's my girl! 
 I always think she looks so cute sitting there getting her hair cut. She's always been a champ with this.
 Later that day, we ate lunch with Daddy while he was on his lunch break. Charlotte tried her first fry.
 Dusty met me for lunch one day. We of course had to try a new establishment in town called Dusty Buns! Their food is 100% organic and purchased locally. It was delicious!

 We were even entertained by a banjo! It was a great break during my work day! Catching up with my sis is always a treat and something I don't take for granted. 
One day while Morgan was supposed to be putting her pajama bottoms on, she ran to me saying, "Look mom! Do you like my scarf?" It actually looked pretty good. Silly girl.

 Hmmmmm........shrimp and other fresh ingredients made for a delicious dinner! Thank you Pinterest for being my culinary inspiration!


  1. I bet Daniel was proud when his girl chose Spiderman. Too funny.

  2. Very special. I am glad you and Dusty are able to spend these times together. I wish so much I could with my sister.
