Sunday, February 6, 2011

Grandma Is Here!

In the two short days that Grandma Linda has been here, we've already done lots of fun things.
Grandma attended Morgan's new gymnastics class with her!

Morgan is enjoying showing Grandma everything she can do! She constantly asks Grandma to look at her, play with her, read her books, etc.

We visited Dad at work after church.

And then we got her hair cut.
Look at Grandma smiling at Morgan in the background of this picture.

Morgan got her first blow dry and style. VERY cute!

Grandma and Morgan made some really yummy cookies.

Morgan is so fortunate to have so many people who love her!


  1. Is that Gymboree?? They closed the Gymboree here right after we moved to town. I miss it so much! Looks like she is having so much fun with Grandma...almost as much fun as Grandma! Love the haircut. Too cute.

  2. Great pictures!! Looks like they are both having a wonderful time together!

  3. What fun! We know you are all having a great time together. These are certainly treasured moments.

  4. Those cookies look delicious! I can't believe Morgan is already wearing that apron.....she's so big.
