Sunday, March 14, 2010


Morgan, Daniel and I just got back from Monterey. Daniel and I rarely take advantage of the fact that we live within a couple of hours from everything from the mountains and snow to beautiful sunny beaches. Our adventure started Friday afternoon with Morgan's first trip to McDonald's where she got to enjoy fries for the first time. I get why it's so easy for parents to take their children to this fine establishment :) because kids will actually eat the food. Too bad it's not more nutritious!

Our good friends, Lee and Fran, joined us for the weekend. We had a great time!

Morgan is a lucky girl because the first hotel she ever stayed in had an ocean front view. Below, Daniel is standing in the doorway of our room. It was great listening to the waves crash as we slept!

This was the view from our room. All we had to do was take a few steps down to the beach.

Over the course of the weekend we ate at some great restaurants. Below Morgan is enjoying Vietnamese.

Saturday, Daniel and I took Morgan to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. We were having some camera issues but I captured Morgan's first reaction while looking at fish in a huge tank. She said "wow" a couple times.

That afternoon Morgan got a brief introduction to the beach and she loved it even though she was practically convulsing because she was so cold!

While waiting for dinner, Daniel and Morgan "texted" and "called" each other on the phone to pass the time.

Finally Sunday morning Morgan actually got to play in the sand. She couldn't have loved it more!

We took a quick lunch break before heading back to the beach.

Morgan enjoyed a carrot cake cupcake!

And then it was back to the beach!

There was a little sand throwing and Morgan even dumped a pail of sand down the front of Mommy's sweater. Morgan is always crawling all over me so I didn't notice when she pulled the front of my sweater open and dumped a pail full of sand down it.

I absolutely loved spending 4 whole days with Morgan! I think she liked it too. She just seemed really happy to have her dad and mom around all weekend.

She had some really special daddy time this weekend and seemed to cuddle with Daniel a little more than usual.


  1. You got some great pictures! Yea for a fun weekend away!

  2. Grandma is dangerous now. I've figured out how to post comments again. Morgan's carrot cake cupcake was as big as she is! Also, love the huge bow on her hat at the beach. Glad you guys got away for a weekend with friends.
    Happy Birthday Daniel! Didn't know if you were at work last night when I called so hope you had a nice day! If you think you are old (33) imagine how Christopher feels! LOL

  3. Really get the feel of the beach and the wonderful family time from these pictures. Morgan is growing so fast! What wonderful adventures with Mom and Dad.
