Sunday, January 24, 2010

On second thought....

Daniel and I have discussed the fact that at some point we'd like to try for a second child but it occurred to me this weekend that I should really reconsider. On Saturday, Morgan took a 3 hour nap and I spent the first hour vegging on the couch and then spent the next 2 curled up in my down comforter in bed. As I lay there I thought about how if we have another then I would have to give up the luxury of napping when Morgan naps. Then to top it off, Daniel and I were invited to 2 different dinner parties at 2 restaurants Saturday evening. Normally we would simply decline but these were people we hadn't seen in awhile so we decided to bring Morgan along. Morgan was great all evening and even allowed us to stay out until 11 pm! She was still happy when Daniel and I looked at the time and decided we better rush her home to bed. We had a blast! It was so much fun not only being out together but it was fun having Morgan with us too! Of course we're not going to make a habit of having her up so late but we sure felt fortunate to have such an easy going child who allowed us to have a great evening with friends. Here's Morgan watching Mom and Dad eat Sushi at the first restaurant.

She ended the evening with us and her Aunt Dusty at TGIF.

Of course the positive aspects of having a second child will outweigh any negative for us but I have to say that I did have second thoughts this weekend. I'll just enjoy my time with one until things change.


  1. You may not get as many naps with the next one, but it's all worth it. ;)

    We're back where naps are possible once again, and I have to say I'm kind of enjoying it. :)

  2. Well that makes me feel better that there is hope for naps even with 2! I know it would be worth it even with no naps. :)

  3. Two has been a huuuuuge change for us! Things feel more normal now but the first year was really tough! (And our girls are 3 1/2 years apart!)
