Sometimes I appreciate and enjoy the most random stuff when it comes to my kids.
Like sometimes I look down at a water bottle and rain boots that are brought for use doing our outings and I feel gratitude for these little items that pertain to my girls. I guess I just can't put it into words.
The girls and I love attending birthday parties!

Movie birthday!

Morgan planted some seeds in class and brought them home. I desperately tried to replant them and keep them alive but I failed miserably.
We love our breathtaking tree in the front of our house!
Random selfies!
Charlotte and I were laying on the floor reading together and listening to music when Maggie came and wedged herself between us. Man, we sure love our cuddle buddy!
She was modeling a new shirt she got. It looked darling on her.
Park play with my babies!
Backyard games...
Me trying to keep my life organized!
The older I get, the more I realize how much plants bring happiness to my life. I often have vases of flowers the girls have picked for me.
My crafty girl is often creating.
She's breathtaking!
When you drive a car as old as mine, you don't mind when your kids eat ice cream sandwiches in the car.
Not sure why I was taking pictures of this little fashionista.
I often take pictures of stuff I've signed up for in hopes of remembering what I need to do!
Easter decoration fun!
Extracurricular activities!
We had a huge wind storm take out our fence and poor little rose bush too!